Hey! I am Aditya.
I am a portrait and travel photographer based in Brisbane City in sunny Queensland of Australia. I was professionally trained in engineering with a masters degree from the State University of New York and then later a professional certification in Project Management. I was born and raised in India, studied and worked in India, USA and Australia, and currently living in (and loving) Australia. I speak Marathi, Hindi & English.
Why Photography?
Of all the remarkable pursuits one might choose, why photography? It's a valid question. In my case, the answer lies in the profound importance of photographs. Even before I held a professional camera, I intuitively understood their power. Childhood and college memories preserved in images are invaluable treasures, but that's not the primary reason I chose this path. Photography empowers me to express my creativity freely— an outlet I've long desired yet struggled to find. My inclination towards artistry didn't quite align with my engineering background, and I lack the talent for drawing or painting. Photography, however, perfectly harmonizes my desire for artistic expression. Despite the widespread accessibility of phone cameras, nothing compares to the exhilarating freedom and joy I experience when I peer through a camera lens. It took years to realize that photography was my ideal creative outlet, but the journey was worth the discovery.
Exposure Harmony is a showcase of my photography. I hope you enjoy my work! If you have any questions, or want to collaborate on a project, please don't hesitate to contact me. 
Have a nice day!
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